心得回饋-Sabrina IELTS 6.5
首先,恭喜我們Sabrina 雅思6.5 ! 也非常謝謝他用心的幫我們寫了學習心得分享 各位雅思準備的小夥伴一起來看看我們Sabrina的學習心路歷程吧! Overall 6.5 , L 7 , R 6, W 6, S 7 Listening:...
三個月IELTS 6 到 7 - Annie
Overall 6 , L 6 , R 7, W 5.5, S 5.5 Overall 6.5 , L 7.5, R 6, W 5.5, S 6 (6/29紙本) Overall 6.5 , L 6.5, R 8, W 6, S 5.5 (7/26機考)...
心得回饋-Howard IELTS 6.5
向善幫助我考到雅思6.5!!! Howard : 聽力- 剛開始練聽力時都會想要聽懂每一個字,但最後卻都因為跟不上語速而漏聽了很多題.於是我聽了Connor老師的意見,不要去抓每個單字而是去聽懂整句話的大意,並且練習完模擬題後去翻後面給的script(聽力全文),檢討自己m...
Idiom-(high time to do; bend over backwards for S/O; bend over backwards to do S/T )
1. high time to do - It is the right time; the timing is overdue so must to do now. eg. Since the stock market is low, it is high time we...
Idiom-(to pony up/spice things up)
1. to pony up - pay your debt; give what you owe Eg. Jack told his lazy friend to pay up and finally pay back his loan 2. spice things up...
idiom-(lose one’s touch/go cold turkey)
1. lose one’s touch - lose ability or skill; no longer able to do Eg. Sabrina lost her touch about teasing people after Stephen went to...
Idiom-(be down in the dumps/let it lie)
1. be down in the dumps - be sad ; be in a mood Eg. Stephen is down in the dumps because hi is going abroad and cannot see Sabrina...
Idiom-(by the skin on one’s teeth/be head over heels)
1. by the skin on one’s teeth - narrow escape; barely succeed Eg. On Discovery channel, I saw a gazelle escape a cheetah just by skin of...
Idiom-(come to grips with/measure twice, cut once)
1. come to grips with -accept the reality of the situation Eg. In order to succeed at an exam, you must come to grips with your ability...
Idiom-(be crunch time/step up one's game)
1. be crunch time - the rush time before a deadline Eg. Our big project is due in three days, this is crunch time! we must complete it....
Idiom- (go down in flames / to bust one's chops )
1. go down in flames - fail in a bad day Eg. Sam tried to ask that girl to go on a date but he went down in flames. 2. to bust one's...
心得回饋-Kuan IELTS 7.0
Kuan: 對於本人的狀態來說,從事長時間性的工作,工作中因為責任壓力的關係,往往都在8-10點後才下班,心力跟體力上都沒辦法一邊工作讀英文,只能暫時停止工作,一邊吃老本一邊考英文,在這樣的情況下,除了基本的能力培養外(需花長期時間),更重視在短時間內能拿到需要的分數。自己...